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Hip replacement surgery is a common and generally successful procedure designed to relieve pain and restore mobility in patients with severe hip joint damage. However, when medical negligence occurs during the diagnosis, surgery, or post-operative care, it can lead to significant and sometimes permanent complications. If you or a loved one has been affected by negligence during hip replacement surgery, you may be entitled to compensation. This guide will help you understand the process and your rights.

Understanding Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip replacement surgery involves replacing a damaged hip joint with an artificial one. The bone is broken and replaced with prosthetic implants. This procedure is often necessary for individuals with severe arthritis, fractures, congenital disorders or other hip conditions that do not respond to conservative treatments. The surgery aims to relieve pain, improve function, and enhance quality of life.

When successful, patients will feel immediate relief of symptoms. They are often up and walking (albeit with crutches) within a week at most. However, delayed recovery could be indicative of negligence, though it is important to note that there are recognised risks to this procedure which may also be the cause. These risks should be noted in the consent documentation which a patient signs. However, we know that just because something is a recognised risk, it does not mean that it necessarily should have occurred.

Types of Negligence in Hip Replacement Surgery

Negligence in hip replacement surgery can happen during various stages, including, but not limited to:

Pre-Surgical Negligence: This can involve negligence such as misdiagnosis, failure to conduct necessary pre-surgical assessments, or not obtaining informed consent from the patient. It may be necessary for prophylactic measures to have been taken (such as stopping aspirin or other anticoagulation) and if this was not done, again, this could be negligent.

Surgical Errors: These can include mistakes during the surgery, such as improper placement of the implant, damage to surrounding tissues, or using incorrect surgical techniques. Perhaps the wrong sized implant was used or damage to nerves or arterial supply occurred.

Post-Operative Care: These include inadequate monitoring and management of complications like infections, blood clots, or inappropriate rehabilitation guidance. Follow ups are imperative to ensure good hip placement and recovery. If these are not undertaken and an injury is made worse because of this, this could also be negligent.

Common Complications Due to Negligence

Negligence during hip replacement surgery can lead to several complications, including:

  • Infections: Poor surgical techniques or inadequate post operative care can result in serious infection.
  • Implant Failure: Incorrect placement or use of incorrectly sized or faulty implants can result in the need for additional surgeries.
  • Nerve Damage: Errors during surgery can cause nerve injuries, leading to chronic pain or mobility issues.
  • Blood Clots: A lack of proper post operative care can increase the risk of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.

What to do After Hip Replacement Negligence

If you or a loved one suspects negligence occurred during your hip replacement surgery, it is important to take action as soon as possible. First you should seek a second medical opinion to receive appropriate treatment for any complications that you may have suffered as a result of negligence. You should ensure that all medical interactions and treatments are documented as thoroughly as possible.

It is important to keep in mind that acting quickly can help to secure the necessary evidence, and improve your chances of making a successful claim. You should therefore be sure to contact a specialised solicitor as soon as possible, to discuss your case in further detail. By choosing Medical Negligence Solutions solicitors to pursue your claim, we can offer a free initial consultation to assess your situation and provide expert legal guidance.


Negligence occurring during hip replacement surgery can have a profound and lasting impact on a person’s life. If you suspect that medical negligence has led to complications or a failed hip replacement, making a claim can provide the financial support necessary to manage the consequences of the injury.

For more detailed information on orthopaedic negligence and other related claims, you can explore Orthopaedic Negligence Claims on our website. Alternatively, if you’d like to learn more then you can contact us by starting a claim or calling us on 0333 043 1253.