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Accident & Emergency Negligence Claims

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Accident & Emergency (A&E) departments are often extremely busy and under immense pressure to treat patients quickly and efficiently.

In 2023, over 1.5 million patients experienced waiting times of up to 12 hours, with many awaiting admission.

Patients are frequently staying longer in the Emergency Department instead of being transferred to appropriate units. This growing demand for A&E services highlights a ‘postcode lottery,’ with some NHS Trusts experiencing more pressure than others.

The Royal College of Emergency Medicine estimates that an average of 268 excess deaths likely occurred each week in 2023.

It’s not just mortality rates that are affected; there is also a concerning rise in the exacerbation of injuries and conditions requiring specialist treatment.

What is considered as a A&E negligence claim?

A&E negligence occurs when a patient experiences a breach in the reasonable standard of care. This can include delays, incorrect treatment or diagnosis, or failure to diagnose a condition.

The repercussions of negligence in A&E can be catastrophic, potentially causing serious, long-term harm.

Examples of A&E Negligence:

  • Errors in noting a patient’s medical history, leading to incorrect diagnosis and treatment.
  • Failure to carry out relevant investigations such as X-rays, scans, and blood tests, resulting in missed diagnoses.
  • Misinterpreting the results of X-rays, scans, or blood tests.
  • Failure to recognize the severity of a condition, causing delays in diagnosis or treatment.
  • Inappropriate discharge home.
  • Failure to identify life-threatening conditions like stroke, severe internal bleeding, or obstetric complications, leading to avoidable injury and harm.
  • Delays in providing treatment or investigations for urgent conditions.

Bringing an A&E Negligence Claim

If you have been a victim of medical negligence, it’s natural to feel self-doubt and uncertainty about whether the situation was truly negligent. To determine if there has been medical negligence, two key questions are asked:

  1. Was there a breach of duty?
  2. Was this breach the cause of your pain or loss?

A breach of duty occurs when a patient receives care below the expected standard from a medical professional. Causation requires that the pain or loss experienced must be directly caused by the negligence rather than the underlying condition.

Are You Entitled to A&E Compensation?

Clarify your options in a free initial consultation.

If you believe something went wrong during your A&E treatment but are unsure if you are eligible to claim, speaking to a professional can provide clarity. Our initial consultations are free and carry no obligation, allowing you to explore your legal options without financial worry.

During your free consultation, we will gather further details about your medical experience to better understand the options available to you. We will then share our insights, helping you decide on the best course of action.

Most of our medical negligence cases are handled on a no-win-no-fee basis, ensuring you can pursue your claim without upfront costs.

Have Confidence and support from an Expert Legal Team

If you or a loved one has suffered unnecessarily in A&E, Medical Negligence Solutions can help you claim compensation. Our professional team has over 25 years of experience handling various medical negligence claims.

A&E negligence claims can be challenging, requiring significant evidence to prove your case. However, Medical Negligence Solutions is experienced in overcoming these obstacles.

We will guide you through the complex legal process with ease and confidence, ensuring you receive the support and justice you deserve.

Submit your case assessment

Our team are on hand to help you with your negligence claim. Fill in our case for or alternatively you can call us to submit your claim.

Monday to Friday: 8am - 6pm

0300 303 3634

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